And the word of the Lord came to Jonah the other time, saying,
‘Arise, go to Nineveh, that great borough, and bode to it the loreboding
that I bid thee.’
So Jonah arose, and went to Nineveh, following the word of the Lord. Now
Nineveh was a soothly great borough of three days' wayfare.
And Jonah began to come into the borough a day's wayfare, and he chyed, and
said, ‘Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown.’
So the folk of Nineveh believed God, and boded a fasten, and put on
witerail, from the greatest of hem even to the least of hem.
For word came to the king of Nineveh, and he arose from his highseld, and he
nimmed his kinshroud off him, and overlaid him with witerail, and sat in
And he brought it about to be boded and put forth through Nineveh by the ban
of the king and his athels, saying, ‘Let neither man nor deer, herd nor
flock, smatch any thing: let hem not feed, nor drink water:
‘But let man and deer be overlaid with witerail, and chy mightily to God: or
even, let hem char everyone from her evil way, and from the bloodshed that
is in her hands.
‘Who can tell if God will char and beruse, and char away from her reigh
wrath, so that we queal not?’
And God saw her works, that hy charred from her evil way; and God berused
of the evil, that hy had said that hy would do to hem; and hy did not.